
Types of Digital Marketing

Types Of Digital Marketing

Discover Types of Digital Marketing Strategies

If your business is planning to join the digital realm, then you are heading in the right direction. While the most fundamental part of the business is to produce the products & services that fit the target audience, it is important to bring them into a digital presence within the modern competitive world and introduce them to the audience. Not by traditional marketing but by digital marketing! 

Fortunately, the world revolves around the digital landscape which makes it easier to reach your audience in a matter of short time. But what types of digital marketing are there? First of all, what is digital marketing?

Today in this article, you will be able to explore and find what types of digital marketing fit your business and will lead you to accomplish success.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to promote your products and services to your audience. It generally involves various online strategies that allow you to reach and engage more with your customers. One of the best things about digital marketing is that using certain approaches allows you to track your campaign processes, target your desired audience, and adjust strategies in real time to acquire better results.

Six Types of Digital Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO generally optimizes website content to rank higher within the search engine results pages, known as SERPs, for particular keywords to bring in more organic traffic. This strategy is considered to be a cost-effective tactic that elevates your website ranking based on search engine algorithms. 

SEO takes time, consistency, and patience if you are looking to bring in traffic to your website. One of the major advantages as we have mentioned is cost-effective, along side with that this strategy brings credibility and trust. Is SEO worth it for your business? Check out for more information about search engine optimization.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing consists of relevant informative content that is distributed consistently to attract and engage the audience. This particular strategy’s goal is to address the audience’s needs and interests.

Key elements of content marketing include consistent blog posts, articles that provide valuable information to the relevant audience; podcasts, engaging solo or group conversations in which useful information is talked through; social media posts, consisting of updates and interaction with the audience to sustain engagements and many other examples like YouTube videos fall in the content marketing category.  

One of the remarkable advantages of content marketing is that it builds brand authority and streamlines consumer relationships. In contrast, content marketing usually requires high-quality content production, therefore standing out of the competitive environment can be challenging due to content saturation.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing includes using various social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. to promote products or services. Each social media platforms differ and the content is produced tailored to these platforms to strategically engage and increase the interaction with the target audience. This includes crafting and distributing various videos, posts, and stories along with responding to comments and messages that stimulate interactions and engagements within the medium.

Coming to advantages, social media marketing allows you to directly interact with consumers, access a global audience, and build brand loyalty. In contrast, social media can invite public criticism that can be influential to your reputation. 

4. Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC is an advertising strategy where advertisers pay a certain amount each time when their ad is clicked online. One of the great examples of PPC is the Google Adverts we see online in the form of banners or even sponsor websites we see at the top of the search results. 

Finally, the greatest advantage of PPC is acquiring immediate results, and precisely target down to your niche audience compared to organic marketing. In contrast, PPC can be pricy depending on the keyword you are going after and is exposed to the risk of click fraud. Learn more about what is PPC and book your free consultation before it ends!

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing consists of partnering with affiliates who promote your product & services, and earn commission in return for each sale made through referral links. See more about Affiliate Marketing in our article Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing, and discover more about the comparison. 

One of the advantages of Affiliate marketing includes broad reach to the audience and it is performance-based marketing, in contrast, you may have less control over brand messaging and be exposed to the risk of potential fraud.

6. E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing involves sending tailored emails to a list of targeted subscribers to promote a product or service. In this way, you will be able to build a direct relationship with the targeted consumers which makes it a highly effective marketing strategy due to its direct communication channel and ability to customize individually.

E-mail marketing generally includes newsletters, promotional emails, and even transactional emails. One of the advantages of e-mail marketing is as stated above, allows you to directly communicate with the consumer, personalize emails, and brings higher ROI. In contrast, emails may fall into the spam folder of the consumer and require a high-quality list of subscribers. 

If you are looking to send customized emails to your audience then don’t hesitate to contact us!

Digital marketing is a fundamental component of business strategy and successfully connects your business to your target audience if applied correctly. In a nutshell, digital marketing not only facilitates direct communication but also allows you to directly target your audience by personalizing your marketing strategy. With the rapid growth of the digital marketing landscape, staying adapted to trends and new tools will allow your business to stay ahead within the competitive environment.  Finally, Pixel Prodigies’ right application of digital marketing strategies brings brand loyalty, and fosters visibility, and growth within the online presence! 

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